Around the World in 26 Meals: No. 15 - China (Hunan)

It’s been a little time since my last proper post here, all my cooking was done in late December but no posts since August. Honestly I’m a little worried I’ll forget my assessment of what I made and ate! Fortunately I’m moving directly from one post on China to another so I can skip most of the introduction.

Today’s style of Chinese cuisine is Hunanese - a style known for being particularly hot.

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Around the World in 26 Meals: No. 14 - China (Sichuan)

So, onto China. We all know what China is and, paradoxically, I think that there’s so much to say limits how much I will say. Typically I’d talk about influences on the cuisine and try to take us around the garden path with some tangentially related history, researched very quickly. But there’s just a bit too much to chew on this time. Suffice to say that Chinese culinary history was influenced by its neighbours and the West (chillies come to mind!) just like anywhere else. But an awful lot of food originated in China, such as the soy sauce that’s so ubiquitous in many cuisines, China’s been a huge influence on the world’s cuisine itself and a lot of its characteristic dishes and ingredients just come from itself.

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